Climate Reparations Gathering

Saturday 5 February




This is an invitation to those in London who joined the Climate Reparations bloc as part of the COP26 Coalition's 6 November day of action.

With this gathering, Tipping Point hopes to co-create a space for all of us to continue to reflect and repair post COP. The day will include grounding exercises, a creative visioning workshop, and much more which will be shaped by the conversations we will continue having in the coming weeks!

We have budget for childcare and any other access needs - just let us know

Here is a written a review of the wheelchair access on site

Contact numbers for gathering organisers

Shaira she/her 07951014390

Yara she/they  07841425363


Calthorpe Community Garden, Calthorpe Community Garden, London, WC1X 8LH

Get directions...