Climate Reparations Now! London Rally on 12th November 2022

Saturday 12 November



On Saturday the 12th of November 2022, the Climate Reparations bloc will march collectively to demand global climate justice and reparations. This is a part of a global day of action on 12th November called by civil society groups across the world to mark the mid-point of Cop27 UN climate talks, which run from 6 to 18 November in Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypt.

No more exploitation. No more extraction. Countries in the Global North must deliver equity for their people, and wake up to their responsibility towards people & communities in the Global South.

What's the plan?

10 am: Our friends from Defund Climate Chaos will be painting murals in support of #StopEACOP & #StopRoseBank. and in preparation for Chris Kaba’s vigil and the climate reparations bloc.

We'll also have a few speakers (to be confirmed and shared soon)

11 am: Vigil for Chris Kaba’s solidarity action (more info will be shared soon)

11:45 am: Photo with a drone or from London Eye.

12 pm: Walk towards the main protest at Shell (take banners with us)

Who's in the bloc?

  • Revoke
  • Black Lives Matter UK
  • No more exclusions
  • Debt Justice campaign
  • Global justice Now
  • Feedback
  • London renters Union
  • Migrants Organise
  • SilverTown Tunnel
  • Make polluters pay
  • Platforms
  • LION
  • United voices of the world
  • South Asian Solidarity Group
  • Debt Justice Campaign
  • London leap
  • Disabled people against the cuts
  • Bp not BP
  • Brazilian matters
  • Race & health
  • The joint council for the welfare of immigrants
  • Fala
  • Chris Kaba solidarity group
  • Stop Cambo
  • Defund climate chaos (Money Rebellion, Insure Our Future, Mothers Rise Up, CAN, FFL, StopEACOP London)
  • Build Peace and Development
  • Green new deal rising
  • ...and more!
#ClimateReparationsNow #DefundClimateChaos


Jubilee Park & Garden, Jubilee Park & Garden, London, SE1 7AF

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