Climate Reparations Training!

Saturday 25 November




From storms, to floods, to fires, climate change is impacting people around the world. Global North countries like the UK have built their wealth through colonialism, slavery, and the burning of fossil fuels, while countries and communities in the Global South are being hit hardest by loss and damage. We call for climate reparations to make polluters pay for loss and damage from climate change, and transform the systems that marginalise people in the first place.

Join us on 25th November for a day-long workshop, where we will explore the concept of climate reparations through an intersectional lens, connect our organising with global struggles for justice, and brainstorm how to build an unstoppable climate reparations movement.

Spaces are prioritized for people of colour and those with experience of the UK migration system.

♥️ There's lunch provided by MORE (Migrants Organising for Rights and Empowerment)! ♥️

We also have a small budget to cover travel for those who need it. Just write to us (at or bring the tickets/receipts with you on the day.

Here's a short agenda for the day:

  • 11:00: Grounding & Check-in
  • Noon: Intro to Climate Reparations & Global Solidarity (including links between reparations and migrant and racial justice; and a discussion of the Scottish context)
  • 13:00: Lunch!
  • 14:00: Collective Blue-sky Thinking & Visioning!
  • 15:00: Discussion on how we can bring reparations into our work; Next steps & Resources sharing
The front entrance on Elmbank Crescent has steps with a handrail and may not be suitable for all visitors. A level entrance is available to the rear accessed via Elmbank Crescent Lane, where there is accessible parking.

There is a fully accessible toilet at rear (basement level) designed for independent use: space may be restricted for persons requiring assistance.

There is a lift and stairs to other floors, which has the capacity to take most wheelchair users.

Please let us know if there are any accessibility requirements and/or dietary restrictions you'd like us to be aware of.

See you there!


Quaker Meeting House, 38 Elmbank Cres, Glasgow, Glasgow, G2 4PS

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